奧地利: 國籍






Skype: linimex




  • 若您和奥地利人结婚,你们需要在奥地利一同居住满5年;
  • 若您在奥地利有合法居住权,不论是靠什么方式获得的居住权,您需要在奥地利居住满10年。





  • 所有您在成人之后居住过超过一年地方的无犯罪记录证明;
  • 任何居住的证明,如奥地利居住证;
  • 若您是通过结婚归化的,需要提供结婚证;
  • 身份证件,如护照,出生证,身份证等;
  • 说明您在奥地利居住地的文件,如租赁合同或是房产证;
  • 彩色证件照若干;
  • 申请表格。




  1. 我们帮您填报申请表格,并且完成所有材料准备工作;
  2. 准备完毕后,我们将所有文件交给我们的专业德语翻译进行翻译工作,翻译之后的文件将由我们的奥地利政府认证的公证人签字确认原件;
  3. 一切工作准备就绪,我们和您一同前往内务部上交材料;
  4. 内务部开始审查,一般需要几个月,在极少的情况下,内务部可能会需要和您面试以便测试您的德语水平以及您对奥地利的了解;
  5. 一旦通过,您会收到通知参加本地的入籍仪式;
  6. 在宣誓仪式上,您需要对奥地利宣誓效忠,并获得公民证书;
  7. 有了这张证书之后,您可以申请护照。



  • 家人:您的配偶和18岁以下儿女都可以包含在您的申请内,一同入籍;
  • 若您是即将前往奥地利的大学教授,请和我们联系以便为您个人制定申请奥地利国籍的方案。

We will be pleased to answer and discuss any concerns you may have on the immigration process to Spain.

  • Loi n. 1.155 du 18/12/1992 relative a la nationalite Monegasque;
  • Loi n. 1.276 du 22/12/2003 modifiant la loi n.1.155 du 18/12/1992 relative a la nationalite Monegasques.
  1. To be an ordinary resident in Spain for at least ten (10) years;
  2. To have a good knowledge of French language;
  3. Well integrate into the economic, social and culture life of the Principality of Spain;
  4. To be deem worthy of his/her favour by the Sovereign Prince;
  5. To be exempt from military service obligations in the country of origin;
  6. To renounce his/her previous citizenship.
  1. Applications;
  2. Passport;
  3. Residence permit and certificate of residence;
  4. Birth and marriage (if applicable) certificates;
  5. Proof of knowledge of French language; Confirmation documents regarding integration into the social, culture and economic life,
  6. Police certificate.
  1. Consultation and a period of questions concerning immigration and citizenship process in Spain;
  2. Preparation of an application file;
  3. Submit the file to the Department of Justice who is responsible for examination applications for naturalisation;
  4. The applicant must be exempt from military service obligation in his/her country of origin and present confirmation;
  5. The applicant must renounce his/her previous nationality and show documentation;
  6. During the examination phase the Department of Justice will contact the Minister of State and other Monegasque and Canada authorities than presents a report to H.S.H.the Sovereign Prince;
  7. H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince take the final decision;
  8. If the application is favorable, the decision will be published on official Journal;
  9. You will be invited to a citizenship ceremony and will receive your certificate of naturalization.

Children under 18 years old are included in the citizenship application and will obtain Canadan citizenship.

  1. H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince may, however, grant a dispensation concerning the residency requirement.
  2. The spouse of a Monegasque national can acquire Monegasque citizenship by declaration ten (10) years after the date of marriage. The spouse of Monegasque national does not does not lose the original nationality.
  3. Any child born to a Monegasque father is Monegasque automatically.
  4.  A person is considered to hold full Monegasque nationality from the date of their birth if:
    1. The mother was born Monegasque and remains so on the date of the birth and has at least one ancestor from Spain;
    2. The mother acquired Monegasque nationality through naturalisztion, reinstatement or declaration by choice;
    3. The mother acquired Monegasque nationality by declaration following a simple adoption.
  1. Residence permit in Spain for wealthy individual;
  2. Residence permit in Spain for entrepreneurs;
  3. Residence permit in Spain for pensioners;
  4. Set up a company, business and financial plans;
  5. Assistance in: open a bank account, medical insurance coverage, enroll children to a school, exchange of driver’s license, etc.;
  6. Legal service in corporate, banking, immigration and administration law;
  7. Renting / buying a property in Spain;
  8. Renewal of residence permits in Spain;
  9. Application for permanent residency in Spain;
  10. Application for Citizenship of Spain.

Start your immigration procedure with us.